Safeguarding and Welfare
CEECC takes seriously its policy that ALL its players, young and old are allowed to play cricket in a safe environment and will take whatever steps are necessary to achieve this.
Each and every club member must also play their part by reading and observing the club’s safeguarding policies and the Codes of Conduct, copies of all are attached below.
It is important that you report to us any incident of “bad practice” or behaviour which may fall short of the standard expected by club members or by any visitors to the club, in order that the appropriate steps may be taken.
For a club of its size, CEECC has an excellent disciplinary and safeguarding record and we must continue to lead by example.
If you need to speak with either of our Club Safeguarding Officers, their contact details are as follows:
Joanna Johnson – Mob: 07866261162/Email:
Sandeep Pathak – Email:
We will be happy to speak with you, in confidence if need be regarding this and any other matters of concern.
Thank You